Friday, 19 June 2015

The relunctant 'Asoebi'

Hello everyone! It feels good to be blogging again! I have a dream, that one day I will be a regular blogger. But until that dream comes to pass please, my dear readers bear with me. But I haven't been away from blogging for so long for no reason. I can explain. But before I do, lets get on to today's post!

Have you ever been reluctant to be an 'asoebi'? Yes I know you have. If you don't understand what asoebi means, (I'm aware not only Nigerians read this blog) it's a kind of norm in events, parties or occasions whereby friends and family of the celebrant wear uniform attires. It gives the occasion a glamorous and colorful ambiance.

Yes, we all have been reluctant 'Asoebis' at one time or the other. Sometimes it's because the occasion is coming at a time when our account is in red, or for ladies, it may just be another poignant reminder that you are still single. Sisters be like 'why can't it be me distributing the asoebi material'? lol.

Well recently, I have to admit, I was in fact a reluctant asoebi. But not because I was broke. And no, not because it reminded me of being single. For me, until Mr right proposes I'm happily single. As a matter of fact I was excited about being part of the wedding because of the relationship I have with the bride.So why was I reluctant? Well, the reason I was reluctant was simply because of the fabric.

To me, the bland and unflattering print on the fabric was an enthusiasm killer. It's pretty easy to look fabulous on  a great print irrespective of the style of dress you choose to make, but less so when dealing with an unflattering one. Needless to say,  it was difficult for me to come up with a style.

After flipping through several magazines to see if I would be lucky enough to find a style that will give some life to the rather lifeless fabric without success, I thought about putting that innovative neuron to work. Deciding to think up something on my own was the perfect turn on I needed to get my creative juices flowing.This eventually resulted in the sketch below.

And then suddenly, my reluctance  turned to excitement as I couldn't wait to see and wear the finished work.

After days of painstaking work, I eventually had the finished product! I was ecstatic, to say the least.

To add a pop of color, I accessorized with red jewelry

and matched it up with shoes with red detail.

And the final look?

Well wait for it!

I knew fit was going to be the make or break of this style, so I made sure I got it right.

Continue to see more photos.

At the end of the day it wasn't such a bad asoebi experience after all. 
I got lots of compliments and everybody  wanted the style!

I felt good!

And this kiss is for you.Yes you. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Yes  I did not forget about the explanation for my long silence. But this post is already long enough, So I will do it in another post. That way I can make it a little dramatic. hehe. So visit again!

I want  to use this opportunity to thank those who patronized my wallet line. I really do appreciate. If you haven't done so yet, you can still do it now. Just click here to go straight to the online store! And take advantage of the on going free shipping promo

What do y'all think about my asoebi design?!

PS: Pls pardon the picture quality. It's going to get better.


  1. Lovely dress!

  2. You did good following your heart. Your creativity is on cloud 9. Keep it up Mo', you sure look stunning in that dress. And about the kiss, hmmmmm! I rest my case. Lol

  3. Nice piece. Where have u been Monic. Lovely dress.look forward to seeing more frequent writeups from you

  4. Nice one Monic,hope u re good?

  5. Been a while Mo' J. Do keep 'em coming. Miss your write-ups. Hows the pursuit of excellence going? Keep flying high girl.
    Your biggest fan....C

  6. lucky to have a cousin like you. intelligent and full of life. beautiful writing. keep up the great job. i am so very proud of you.


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