
Friday, 27 June 2014

Uche models the sizzling gown made by Mo' J

Hello readers! I missed you. I'm excited about today's post because it's about a dress. Or is it a story about a dress? lol How have y'all been? I hope great. I've been doing good myself. I'm sorry I've not been blogging, was busy with some professional exams... Yea yea trying to stay at the cutting edge, intellectually. But I'm back! Yeah! I've got my mojo back!

Ok so about today's post. On one special weekend, I  decided I was tired of
being all by myself in my house, so I decided to go and spend the weekend at a friend's. So I packed my bags and off I went to spend the weekend with Uche. Uche is an ex colleague of mine and a dear friend. Uche is  also a ravishing beauty. You know, full lips, high cheek bones, banging hourglass get my drift. Uche's company was really fun, we gisted endlessly. We talked about the Lord, the future and of course boys... I mean men. lol *That moment when I wish I was still 18. *sigh.  Being with Uche was such a joy. But that's not what today's post is about.

Today's post is about a dress from the past, or should I say, a blast from the past. Some time ago I designed a dress. At the time, I couldn't sew a handkerchief even if my life depended on it lol. I only illustrated what I wanted by means of sketching or any other way.
The style of the dress is simple, but to give it an avant-garde look, I chose a George fabric.

Yea that's moi! rocking the gown some yrs back. Gosh I want those toned arms back.

The dress turned out beautiful and I always got compliments every time I wore it. It is no wonder Uche took notice of the dress, as this was the dress I packed for Sunday service the weekend I was at Uche's, and asked that I make one for her. I agreed but a lot was at stake here.

First my own dress was sewn by one of the best tailors I know. Given, I have acquired sewing skills and I am good at what I do but I worried about whether I would be able to knock off the work of a veteran tailor.

Secondly, I had to worry about pleasing Uche sartorially. Uche has a very keen sense of fashion. As Uche's friend I have seen her refuse to wear a dress tailor-made for her simply because she felt  it wasn't well made. Besides, y'all know that dressing dapper is one of the hallmarks of a banker. Make no mistake about it, I consider myself skillful, but for obvious reasons I wondered if my best would be good enough for Uche.

Also Uche wanted some adjustments to be made to the design of the garment.She wanted a slit behind, which mine didn't have, so that whether she is driving or not, she would still be able to get around with the dress.She also wanted a longer sleeve and a longer length , so she could wear the dress to work.

To be sure the dress would still look beautiful after all the adjustments, I decided to do a rough sketch to get a feel of the final look.

When I was done with the sketch I knew Uche would look beautiful in this dress.

So I got down to work.

I just love this pic. It's so cute!

After many hours of meticulous work Uche's dress was eventually ready. I pleaded with Uche to model on the dress and she agreed! So I quickly set up a photo shoot. Not only was Uche the model, she was also the make up artist, hair stylist and location manager lol. This made things a lot easier for me as I only had to worry about being photographer and director. Hopefully, I would be able to afford these services professionally done someday.

So are you guys ready for the big reveal?!

Wait for it!


I have to say, Uche looks pretty adorned in this dress.

With this dress you can accessorize with a scarf  for that church girl look

or for an edgy look.

Continue to see more photos

I was happy with my work and happier that Uche liked her dress.

I encourage you to pursue after passion, like I have done. You might not have money in the bank but your reward will be fulfillment. And I can tell you, it's a good feeling.

That's all folks! Do have a beautiful weekend.

And ohw, if like Uche you want to have this dress too, you can call 08037901766 or BB pin 33018152

If this is your first time on the block you might want to click here to get the gist of this blog.

What do you guys think though, did I Knock this dress off or what?!


  1. Nice dress. Never knew u nw this good.

  2. Woman! ! Then what are you waiting for to send in your measurements. .. Kindly send them momentarily. I'm sure Uche will be happy to hold the measuring tape after that dress that she has used to start a modelling career with on your Uche *batting eyelashes* so I'm waiting now Moniq!


  3. Wow this is true result of passion & fulfillment
    Terrific work congrats as you discover what you have passion for.
    I celebrate you

  4. Nice Article. Uche's dress looks well made. Didnt actually know you made dresses yourself.

  5. Everything you touch turns out beautiful, so pursue your dreams. If it's a contest then you'll be better than your own tailor.

  6. Your work is clearly better than ur tailor's

  7. Nice cloth. Did u sew this urself? Like dis.

  8. You inspire me with your blog, your passion and handiwork...I'm so proud of you. Shine on, Mo..

  9. MUA designs, lol please get to work on my jacket, I need to model for this company.

  10. MUA designs, im the next model in line,lets gets to work,

  11. .....this is so cool. An outcome of passion. Keep it coming Mo J

  12. You did a really good job!! love it:)
    Pretty Pieces

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Nice to meet you! Just checked out your online store... beautiful pieces you've got there!

  13. Wat if I like Uche and her gown??? *grins*

  14. Please am in need of designs...can u consult for me? U hv unique stuffs here...xp say so via nokia torch


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