
Sunday, 6 April 2014

Ankara Business

A few things are as fashionable as stepping out clad in an Ankara piece made in a non-conventional way.

 Like this

or this

It stands you out  from the crowd and screams 'I am confident!'.

The men are not left out


yes, even real men

Aha! the real deal. Don't you just love those abs :-)

The Ankara fabric has not always been the 'it' fabric, it emerged as a fashion staple when our indigenous designers got creative with  their designs made with the Ankara fabric and showcased them at international fashion shows.

We've come a long way from the bad old days.

Even celebrities have embraced the fabric.


Omosexy looking... well, sexy.

Lady Gaga?!


Alicia Keys


Even the first lady of the powerful United States of America!

It beats me that, in-spite of all these, some people still do not patronize products made with the Ankara fabric. The reasons for this are varied as well as numerous but here is one good reason why we should patronize these products. When you buy these Ankara products, you help keep money in the country.Why send your money to some transnational corporation  based in another country, thereby making their economy prosper when you can spend the money in the country, help develop the local industries and still look gorgeous! That's how you create the much needed jobs we cry about on a daily basis. That's how you take graduates off the streets. That's how you prosper your economy.

This highly versatile fabric got its name from the Ankara people of Turkey who produced a more affordable version of the Dutch Wax - another name the Ankara fabric  is known by. In East Africa, the fabric is known as kenga and in Zambia Southern Africa, it is called Chitenge.

An attempt to research the history of the Ankara fabric led to some interesting finds. I discovered that, whether or not the Ankara  fabric is truly of African origin is a matter of contention. You won't  believe that the origin of the Ankara fabric is traced to as far as Indonesia. Well, Folks can contend all they want. One thing though, cannot be contended with, and that's the fact that the Ankara fabric has become enmeshed with our culture.

Over the years the use of the Ankara fabric has gone beyond just cloths to other fashion items like shoes


even bikinis! lol

Continue to see more interesting things the Ankara fabric has been used  for

I don't know about you, but I find all of  these really fascinating and I wonder if you do too.

Let us go out today and patronize a product made with the Ankara fabric, not only does it command attention, it is beautiful, it is versatile, it is, high fashion.

Thanks so much for stopping by, to read this article. Keep it here for more Ankara Business. Pls leave your comments below, they keep the house warm, and don't you just love to read them?!

If this is your first time here, be sure to read the previous post here, to get a 'hang' of what this blog is all about.

For our next post I will be sharing an interesting little article with you. Stay tuned!


  1. Oh wow...lolz at the ankara bikini and ankara tie...I wil try to get 1 for u and a tie maybe ...lolzzx...btw this piece was educative and no doubt ankara design are simply wow! Wen used creatively..

  2. Beautiful piece

  3. Fashion in the nxt level... up ankara. wonderful piece... Monic, I think u shld start publishing ur Articles on magazine. Luvly n colourful.

    1. Oh yea, lol. Thanks Karo for stoppin' by.

  4. Simply beautiful. I really think such a piece should be available for a wider audience to read.

  5. Nice one..., I'd love to get out and get one Ankara design for moi. Keep it up monique

    1. Go get 'em Tiger! Lol. Thanks Tony, appreciate your coming...

    2. BELI DAT!

  6. The trend now is truly Ankara. I sincerely concur with Mo'J
    I am even writing with my ankara on.. Smiles

  7. Ankara's cool. I am cool with it. Nice one

  8. Hmmmmmm! Even Bikini Ankara! Heh heh heh

  9. I'm yet to see an Ankara Boxers or pants for males...winks. To be frank, Nigerian Ankara, will soon rule the runway of international fashion shows like Nigerian music did in the music industry. And when that time comes, Mo'J Ankara will be the numero uno choice of celebrities. You're properly positioned Moniq! Keep raising the bar on invention, and rule your world.

    1. Lol, I havn't said there is going to be a MoJ Ankara yet! Thanks CI for stopping by :-)

  10. Loveee! I can't get enough of the versatility of the Ankara prints. However, I can't stand the mediocrity of local tailors and designers.
    I think we should get a D-I-Y class for Ankara lovers on this blog. What do you think Mo'

    1. Sure Uche! DIY should be fun! Wld keep that in view for future posts.

  11. I love these pieces but am not really an ankara freak but seeing this want to make me own one.

  12. Hi dear,
    Lovely piece..... Really worth the read.
    I don't think the issue is with loving the ankara fabric... Over the years, majority of people/Nigerians(including me) have come to love the ankara fabric and the feel of a beautiful dress made from the fabric.......
    The problem with owning an ankara made clothes is with the local designers.... One word synonymous with local designers is disappointments(they get it right the first time only after which, it is either your cloth is not ready at the agreed date or an off design).
    Second issue, you cannot really walk into a boutique and pick up an ankara made dress....
    Well, nice piece, keep the passion burning....xoxo

  13. Moniq, this is really a wonderful piece and educating too @list I learnt abt the origin of ankara... Its really inspiring though and I look forward to your next post...

  14. This is inspiringly beautiful.... Nicely done sis...

  15. Bussie's Interior Effects15 April 2014 at 08:37

    This in my opinion is the height of creativity, the bow & long tie, the hand fan, hair & neck accessories, with all the stylish pieces on the stylish people is so mind blowing! loving d collection, concepts & arrangement. oh, this blog is made for me Monica, i'm art inclined & don't like traditional things looking too serious, i love ankara only in playful informal forms. My thoughts have just been expressed practically here. I thought i had a very imaginative mind till you challenged me. Very brilliant idea, i see you going way beyond this

  16. Very creative and inspiring write up. Can't wait to start seeing your designs when they hit the runaway. Just wish you can update the blog more regularly

  17. very creative and exquisite write up. I will wait to see this on TV. please keep it real Mo J"s.


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