Thursday, 20 March 2014

My first!

Well yes this is my first blog post and I dedicate it to you. :-). We've all had countless first times, some very memorable, some not so memorable and there are others that are better forgotten. I'm hoping this would be a memorable one.

"Ok Monica we understand that this is your first blog post and we do remember our first times but what's this all about, what the heck are you doing on blogosphere?"

You see, there are a bunch of reasons I decided to start this blog but the one that matters most to me is this. I have recently made a big change in my life and intend to journal my journey. I want to share the challenges as well as the exciting moments with you. And maybe, just maybe along the line you will be inspired to take that all important step. What ever that step may be, it may be leaving that unhealthy relationship, or starting a great one; it may be stepping out of your comfort zone and taking that course; it may be starting that business or just simply going out and doing what you've always wanted to do.

I quit my  job to pursue my dreams. Yep! you got me right. I quit my job to pursue my dreams of becoming a magnate in the fashion industry. Even though most people believe I quit my job to enable me attend business school, this is the real reason. I know you think I'm crazy. Many people have said to me '' why would you leave the security of a well paying job when everything concerning furthering your education hasn't yet fallen in place?" Well this is the reason, this was why I was unafraid to take that crucial step, it really wasn't about just going for my masters abroad after all.

I have always wanted to pursue a career in fashion. I see it as a calling I must answer to. We can't all just sit there and hope that someday, someone is going to make things right. Maybe the government, maybe someone else. No, we have to sit up and take the bull by the horn. It is up to us to bring about the change we seek.  That's what I am doing and I am starting with the fashion industry. I have grandiose dreams about the Nigerian fashion industry and I believe the industry has a lot of unexplored potential.

Whether my decision is a stupid one or one I will be thankful I made years down the line, only time will tell. At least I will be blogging about it here.

You do want to keep up with  that!

Suffice it to say that right now I'm pursuing personal passion. One of this is writing, which is among the reasons I started this blog. Writing like every form of communication improves with practice. So by writing this blog, I will be compelled to write regularly and by so doing, hone my writing skills.

"The written word requires a certain level of artfulness and thoughtfulness in expression. In writing, we do not ramble on and on as we do in speech. We choose our words carefully. The words remain to be reread, refined, a source for reflection and mindful change if necessary."  Thomas Moore

We would be blogging about fashion, lifestyle, of course my journey and everything in between.

 So remember to keep it here on Mo'J's blog.

I will write again.

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  1. Waoh! Quite inspiring! Can't wait to see you blossom.

  2. Very lovely Moniq...I have already bookmarked this blog. Can't wait to see those beautiful fashion designs of urs..

  3. Fantastic one. Sure I will be standing by for the blogs. Page book-marked! The industry awaits***

  4. Nice monica. Always good to pursue ur dreams.

  5. First steps... refreshing. Cheers to fulfilled dreams and blazed trails.

  6. Awesome start, I love your passion....God prolong and strengthen you.

  7. I see some one has taken that bold step! Proud of you lol welcome to our world.

  8. Way to go! Congrats! Tell us about the underlining effort you made to secure additional income stream or is it savings to keep you afloat when you left your job!

    1. Dear anonymous, that would be a blog post for another day. Don't touch that dial :-)

    2. Life is a Risk.Therefore,if fashion is your true passion then steady your gaze till ur dream is set ablaze.

  9. This is just the beginning of great things for you Monica.
    I wish you great success in this endeavour

  10. Alas. Unique Monique. I'm so glad you wrote. With every stroke of your keypad, I felt the stifled words, like flowers blooming, struggling to be set free. You're a natural, Monique. I encourage you to ride the waves, chart your course and dominate on blogospshere. - Chiny

  11. I see! An answer to my yr-old unanswered question. Smyles.. Way to go gurl! Take d world; it's yours!

  12. My dear, this was an inspiring piece. I was touched.

  13. Very kool, but cnt wait for the 2nd write up pray for God's grace n favour upon u, to make dis vision/ passion a reality and to tke u to d height of ur drms.

  14. Nice one. Wish U well @ dis

  15. I am going to plug in to this one. Promises to be interesting :)... nice intro. Bookmarking immediately.

  16. Divine Odonwodo7 April 2014 at 06:26

    Good job, through and through.

  17. Hey Moniqj! The first step to writing is picking up your pen and with this you have started the public writing ala public speaking! Fortify your criticism bank and allow positive ones help you on this endeavor! All the best! I'll try to read all your write ups! Cheers.

  18. Bussie's Interior Effects15 April 2014 at 08:14

    Monica, i'm so proud of you, it's a brave step you took & i give you an ovation for this brain child of yours. I'll borrow a leaf from you & re-connect back with my dreams! its the very essence of life itself & there's nothing more fulfilling than living ones dream. It's so real & inspiring all the way, Pls don't look back at any point in time, you've really encouraged me! nice piece, never seen this side of you

  19. Just found out about your blog today! Well quite an interesting read keep it up!


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